National Art Education Association Women's Caucus


The Women’s Caucus of the National Art Education Association invites nominations for the annual June King McFee Award, the Mary J. Rouse Award, the Kathy Connors Award, the Maryl Fletcher DeJong Award, and the Carrie Nordlund Award. Any member of the NAEA Women’s Caucus may submit nominations. Please review the specific criteria for the awards. Please download the Application Form. This form is to be completed for all award submissions. You can directly type and paste text in it. You may use an e-signature or print out, sign, and scan application. Along with the submission of this completed application, please include an updated CV with letters of recommendation. Please review the award criteria for specifics regarding the number and kinds of letters required for each award.


Send the complete nomination packet in digital form preferably as a single PDF to the respective Award Chair on or before the deadline.

Mary J. Rouse Award— Adetty Perez de Miles:

June King Mc Fee Award— Sheri Klein:

Maryl Fletcher De Jong Award— Lisa Hochtritt:  

Carrie Nordlund Award— Patty Bode:

Kathy Connors Award— Courtnie Wolfgang:

Descriptions, Eligibility, & Criteria for Awards:

The Kathy Connors Teaching Award honors an outstanding art teacher / educator who is recognized by students, colleagues, and supervisors as someone who consistently inspires and mentors students in a cooperative, collegial, collaborative and nurturing manner. Please click here for guidelines on Eligibility and Criteria of nomination for this award.

The June McFee Award is given annually to honor an individual who has made distinguished contributions to the profession of art education, and one who has brought distinction to the field through an exceptional and continuous record of achievement in scholarly writing, research, professional leadership, teaching, or community service. Please click here for guidelines on Eligibility and Criteria of nomination for this award.

The Carrie Nordlund pre-K-12 Feminist Pedagogy Award is designed to honor a person who has made a special effort to incorporate feminist pedagogy into her or his pre-K-12 teaching, and which pre-K-12 art educators, peers, and administrators have recognized as inclusive. Please click here for guidelines on Eligibility and Criteria of nomination for this award.

The Mary J Rouse Award is given annually to recognize the contributions of an early professional who has evidenced potential to make significant contributions in the art education profession. The award is given in honor of Mary J. Rouse, a highly respected and professionally active art educator, whose untimely death in 1976 deeply affected the art education profession. Please click here for guidelines on Eligibility and Criteria of nomination for this award.

The Maryl Fletcher de Jong Service Award is given annually to honor an individual in the field of art education who has made noteworthy service contributions to art education as an advocate of equity for women and all people who encounter injustice. This individual contributes outstanding service of community, state, national, or international significance that contributes to eliminating discriminatory gender and other stereotyping practices for individuals and groups. Please click here for guidelines on Eligibility and Criteria of nomination for this award.

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