CURRENT BOARD *Term begins and ends at the conclusion of the NAEA Annual Conference.EXECUTIVE COMMITTEEPresident Rebecca Baygents Turkshe/herVisiting Assistant Professor of Costume DesignDenison University Past Co-Presidents Adetty Pérez de Milesshe/her/ellaAssociate Professorand Coordinator of Art EducationTexas State Universityadetty@txstate.edufaculty profile | Kevin Jenkinshe/himAssistant Professor of Art EducationTexas State President-Elect Cheri Ehrlichshe/ Conference Program Coordinator Hyunji Kwon she/her Assistant Professor of Art Education, Women’s and Gender Studies Affiliate University of South Carolina Membership Chair Treasurer TBD Lillian Lewisshe/her Assistant Professor of Art Education,Virginia Commonwealth APPOINTED OFFICERS Delegate Assembly Representative Exhibition Coordinator Linda Hoeptner Polingshe/her Associate Professor – Art Education & Undergraduate CoordinatorKent State faculty profile Julie Usha Libersatshe/herAssistant Professor of Art, Design, and TechnologyTexas Woman’s K12 Liaison Lobby Activism Coordinator Jody Karen Keifer-Boydshe/herProfessor of Art Education &Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality StudiesPennsylvania State Universitykk-b@psu.edufaculty profile | Visual Culture & Gender Research Coordinator Web Coordinator Ann Holtshe/herVisiting Assistant Professor of Art and Design Education, Pratt InstituteAdjunct Professor in Art Education, Adelphi University TBD Outreach Coordinator Preservice Liaison TBA TBD