National Art Education Association Women's Caucus


Please click here to download and read the Bylaws of the NAEA Women’s Caucus (1978/1995/2010)
The current bylaws are viewable by section or in whole by toggling the areas below. The files regarding the history of the mission and policies of the WC are available in the right column.

Bylaws ratified with a Majority WC Member Vote on February 17, 2010

The name of the organization shall be the NAEA’s Women’s Caucus.

The NAEA’s Women’s Caucus (NAEA WC) shall represent and work to advance art education as an advocate of equity for women and all people who encounter injustice, and shall work to eliminate discriminatory gender and other stereotyping practices for individuals and groups, and for the concerns of women art educators and artists.

Membership in the NAEA’s Women’s Caucus is open to all members of the NAEA. Membership dues are annual and collected by NAEA in a separate WC member category. The membership funds placed in an NAEA WC account are to be used for WC awards, projects, and activities. The protocol will be:

A. President requests disbursement check to be sent directly to the treasurer. In the event that the president is unable to perform this duty, the vice-president or the treasurer is authorized to request disbursement from the WC account with NAEA provided at least one other WC officer listed acknowledges notification of the disbursement prior to the release of a check.

B. The treasurer is authorized to transfer excess funds into the NAEA account from the WC operating account maintained in the treasurer’s local area.

C. NAEA is authorized to collect annual dues for WC in the amounts of $20 for renewals/contributing members; $10 for students/retired; $30 for sustaining; $225 for life member; $100 for sponsor; $5000 for benefactor; $10,000 for philanthropist; NAEA WC lapel pin $15. Contributions to the Memorial fund in memory of Kathy Connors may be in any amount. NAEA will provide names, membership type and/or donation amounts, and contact information to WCs president via email on a quarterly basis.

D. WC requests email verification to its three representatives of disbursement activity on the NAEA/WC account. In addition, WC respectfully requests that NAEA provide a statement on the account in July and January of each fiscal year.

E. Women’s Caucus will provide a yearly accounting of its operating fund as part of the president’s report to NAEA. In addition, WC membership chair will notify NAEA of memberships and the associated dues received directly from members. While we will encourage submission of dues directly to NAEA at the time of its membership renewal, we want to ensure that we can accept memberships throughout the conference to conference year.

F. Women’s Caucus will notify NAEA of changes in its officers’ responsibilities as contact responsibilities accrue to elected offices, rather than to specific/named individuals.

A. The elected officers shall be a President, a President-Elect, a Conference Program Coordinator, a Membership Chair, and a Treasurer.

B. The five elected officers and the Past President shall constitute an Executive Committee with the Past President as the sixth member.

C. The term of office shall be for two years beginning the day after the annual NAEA Convention.

D. Nominations for officers shall be submitted at least two months prior to the annual business meeting by a Nominating Committee selected by the Executive Committee.

  1. The WC president or designated columnist for the NAEA News shall solicit nominations for officers prior to the annual business meeting in the WC column in the NAEA News, which is published bimonthly in February, April, June, August, October, and December.

E. The elected position eligibility, term, and responsibilities are as follows:

Eligibility: Individual who was the most recent President Elect of the WC.
Term: Two years following term as President Elect.

  1. Oversees all those responsible for various tasks. (Facilitates communication, and assists officers in carrying out their tasks.)
  2. Gathers information of interest to membership for publication on the WC Web site.
  3. Writes and/or reviews articles for NAEA NEWS column with the Columnist. (Insures announcements are included such as calls for officer and award nominations.)
  4. Solicits WC conference proposals, secures meeting blocks, files proposal forms for business meetings, etc.
  5. Runs the Annual General business meeting with a planned agenda including: acceptance of previousminutes, reports from officers, election/appointment of new officers, and inclusion of new members. Appoints a member to record the meeting.
  6. Authors a final report of Caucus activities and concerns to deliver at the NAEA Board Meeting. (This report should include updates on membership and budget.)
  7. Attends to incidental business that arises.
  8. Maintains liaisons with Affiliate, Division, Issues, and Regional groups.
  9. Sends all pertinent material to new President at the end of term.
  10. Maintains accurate contact information for all WC officers.


Eligibility: Any current WC member who is also currently an NAEA member, does not hold another WC position, and has been a member for at least two years.
Term: Elected on even numbered years for a two-year term.

  1. Plans with the President WC events at the NAEA national meeting.
  2. Assists the president in the execution of presidential duties.


Eligibility: Any current WC member who is also currently an NAEA member, does not hold another WC position, and has been a member for at least two years.

Term: Elected on odd numbered years for a two-year term.

  1. With the approval of the Executive Committee, appoints two others to assist the program coordinator in rating the WC conference proposal submissions.
  2. Tabulates the WC conference proposal submission reviews, and rank orders the composit ratings for selection as WC sessions based on the mission of the WC of conference proposals for the annual NAEA conference. (Insures that the Business meeting and awards sessions are included).
  3. Comprises a list of WC presentations, which is submitted to the President and Web Coordinator to place on the WC Web site, and prepared as a flyer to distribute at the NAEA annual conference, and prepares session presentations sent electronically to members prior to the annual conference.
  4. Presents a report on the number of submissions, the number selected, and the criteria for selection at the annual business meeting.


Eligibility: Any current WC member who is also currently an NAEA member, does not hold another WC position, and has been a member for at least two years.
Term: Elected on odd numbered years for a two-year term.

  1.  Receives the members’ contact information from the NAEA, and sends members a thank you and welcome note that includes information such as the WC website URL, and instructions how to join the WC listserv.
  2. Maintains membership addresses and creates an e-mailing list.
  3. Sends out emails to members that have been approved and/or prepared by the WC President.
  4. Prepares the prior year’s membership report and submits it to the President to include with the WC report 
to the NAEA Board of Directors.

Eligibility: Any current WC member who is also currently an NAEA member, does not hold another WC position, and has been a member for at least two years.
Term: Elected on odd numbered years for a two-year term.

  1. Receives and records membership dues.
  2. Maintains financial records and reports, including NAEA/WC account activity.
  3. May setup and maintain an operating account at bank in treasurer’s local area.
  4. Prepares the prior year’s financial report and submits it to the President to include with the WC report to the
    NAEA Board of Directors.
  5. Prepares and presents operating budget for next year at the WC annual meeting.

F. Officer Nominations will be voted on electronically, allowing a minimum of one month for members to vote.

A. Those appointed may serve in the following positions or in others at the discretion of the President:

1) WC Website Coordinator

2) Guest NAEA News WC Columnist

3) Meeting Minutes Recorder 
Eligibility: Any current WC member. Is also currently an NAEA member, and has been a member for at least one year.
Term: Appointed by the President.

  1. Records the WC Executive and Business annual meetings.

  2. Sends the minutes of the Executive and Annual meeting electronically to the President within one month of the meetings.

4) Archivist
Eligibility: Any current WC member has been a member for at least five years.
Term: Appointed by the Executive Committee for as long as he/she/they desire to do it and the Executive Committee deems their service worthwhile.
To maintain the records (Bylaws, newsletters, journals, columns, etc.) which document the activities of the WC.

5) Coordinator of Convention Local Arrangements

6) Editor of the WC Report (newsletter)

7) Listserv Moderator
Eligibility: Any current WC member who is also currently an NAEA member, does not hold another WC position, and has been a member for at least two years.
Term: Appointed for an indefinite term until unable to maintain and moderate a WC listserv.

  1. Sets up the WC listserv.
  2. Receives emails to post on the WC listserv, and as listserv moderater posts the emails to the listserv in a timely manner, and can decide to post or not post depending if the posts relate the WC mission.

8) Delegate to the NAEA General Assembly

Eligibility: Any current NAEA member who has been a member of the WC for at least two years.
Term: Appointed by the President (at the start of the term with approval from the Executive Committee) for two years, and continue in office if reappointed by succeeding president.

  1. Notifies the NAEA central office of Delegate’s name, address, and phone number by May 31st.
  2. Reviews information sent from the NAEA during the year and sends a summary of any information pertinent to the WC membership.
  3. Attends the two days of delegate sessions held during the first two days of the NAEA annual convention. (Appoints alternate if unable to attend.)

9) Coordinator of Publications and Position Papers

10) Liaison with NAEA Student Chapter

11) College of Arts Association (CAA) WC Liaison

12) Coordinator of Research

13) Coordinator of Convention Program

14) Coordinator of Public Relations

An annual business meeting will be held during the NAEA’s national convention.

All policies and activities of the WC shall comply with the NAEA policies and guidelines.

Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any WC member, who seeks another to second the motion, submits the amendment proposal to the full membership via email for discussion on a blog linked to the WC Web site, and prepared for an electronic vote allowing a minimum of one month for discussion, and one month for members to cast an electronic vote.

WC Mission & Policy Development History

1975 The Report inaugurated with 3 issues per year up to 1996, then less often, with missed years.
1975 WC Bylaws drafted by Judy Loeb
1976 Mission statement adopted and presented to NAEA. NAEA WC officially approved by NAEA.
1976 WC Bylaws
1983 Mission statement revised
1983 WC position statement
1995 WC Bylaws
1997 WC Bylaws
2010 WC Bylaws revised

 Member Vote on February 17, 2010
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